rid-order.css', 'js' => '/common/js/elements/grid-order.js', 'auto_optimize_callback' => array( /** * @return bool */ 'shortcodes' => function ( $shortcode_name, $atts, $post ) { return $shortcode_name === 'us_grid_order'; }, ), ), 'grid_templates' => array( 'title' => __( 'Grid Layout Templates', 'us' ), 'css' => '/common/css/elements/grid-templates.css', 'auto_optimize_callback' => array( /** * @return bool */ 'shortcodes' => function ( $shortcode_name, $atts, $post ) { if ( in_array( $shortcode_name, array( 'us_grid', 'us_carousel' ) ) AND ! empty( $atts['items_layout'] ) AND in_array( $atts['items_layout'], array( 'testimonial_6', 'portfolio_1', 'portfolio_12', 'portfolio_15', 'portfolio_16', ) ) ) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; }, /** * @return bool */ 'headers_or_grid_layouts' => function( $element_name, $atts, $post ) { return ( $post->post_type === 'us_grid_layout' AND strpos( $post->post_content, '"grid_corner_image"') !== FALSE ); }, ), ), 'grid_pagination' => array( 'title' => __( 'Grid Pagination', 'us' ), 'css' => '/common/css/elements/grid-pagination.css', 'auto_optimize_callback' => array( /** * @return bool */ 'shortcodes' => function ( $shortcode_name, $atts, $post ) { if ( $shortcode_name === 'us_grid' AND ! empty( $atts['pagination'] ) AND $atts['pagination'] !== 'none' ) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; }, ), ), 'grid_popup' => array( 'title' => __( 'Grid Popup', 'us' ), 'css' => '/common/css/elements/grid-popup.css', 'auto_optimize_callback' => array( /** * @return bool */ 'shortcodes' => function ( $shortcode_name, $atts, $post ) { if ( in_array( $shortcode_name, array( 'us_grid', 'us_carousel' ) ) ) { return ( ! empty( $atts['overriding_link'] ) AND strpos( $atts['overriding_link'], 'popup_post' ) !== FALSE ); } return FALSE; }, ), /** * @var array | string */ 'dependencies' => 'magnific_popup', ), 'header' => array( 'title' => _x( 'Header', 'site top area', 'us' ), 'css' => '/common/css/base/header.css', 'js' => '/common/js/base/header.js', 'auto_optimize_callback' => array( /** * @return bool */ 'headers_or_grid_layouts' => function ( $element_name, $atts, $post ) { // It makes no sense to check something, since the call to this function will only be if the header is used on the site. return $post->post_type === 'us_header'; }, ), ), 'hor_parallax' => array( 'title' => __( 'Horizontal Parallax', 'us' ), 'js' => '/common/js/base/parallax-hor.js', 'auto_optimize_callback' => array( /** * @return bool */ 'shortcodes' => function ( $shortcode_name, $atts, $post ) { return strpos( $post->post_content, 'us_bg_parallax="horizontal"' ) !== FALSE; }, ), ), 'hwrapper' => array( 'title' => __( 'Horizontal Wrapper', 'us' ), 'css' => '/common/css/elements/hwrapper.css', 'auto_optimize_callback' => array( /** * @return bool */ 'shortcodes' => function ( $shortcode_name, $atts, $post ) { return strpos( $post->post_content, '[us_hwrapper' ) !== FALSE; }, /** * @return bool */ 'headers_or_grid_layouts' => function ( $element_name, $atts, $post ) { return $element_name === 'hwrapper'; }, ), ), 'iconbox' => array( 'title' => __( 'IconBox', 'us' ), 'css' => '/common/css/elements/iconbox.css', 'auto_optimize_callback' => array( /** * @return bool */ 'shortcodes' => function ( $shortcode_name, $atts, $post ) { return strpos( $post->post_content, '[us_iconbox' ) !== FALSE; }, ), ), 'image' => array( 'title' => us_translate( 'Image' ), 'css' => '/common/css/elements/image.css', 'auto_optimize_callback' => array( /** * @return bool */ 'shortcodes' => function ( $shortcode_name, $atts, $post ) { return strpos( $post->post_content, '[us_image' ) !== FALSE; }, /** * @return bool */ 'headers_or_grid_layouts' => function ( $element_name, $atts, $post ) { return $element_name === 'image'; }, ), ), 'image_slider' => array( 'title' => __( 'Image Slider', 'us' ), 'css' => '/common/css/elements/image-slider.css', 'js' => '/common/js/elements/image-slider.js', 'auto_optimize_callback' => array( /** * @return bool */ 'shortcodes' => function ( $shortcode_name, $atts, $post ) { if ( strpos( $post->post_content, '[us_image_slider' ) !== FALSE ) { return TRUE; } if ( strpos( $post->post_content, 'us_bg_show="img_slider"' ) !== FALSE ) { return TRUE; } if ( get_post_format( $post->ID ) === 'gallery' ) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; }, /** * @return bool */ 'headers_or_grid_layouts' => function( $element_name, $atts, $post ) { return ( $post->post_type === 'us_grid_layout' AND strpos( $post->post_content, '"media_preview":"1"') !== FALSE ); } ), /** * NOTE: required for `fadeOut` animation used in image slider */ 'dependencies' => 'animation', ), 'ibanner' => array( 'title' => __( 'Interactive Banner', 'us' ), 'css' => '/common/css/elements/ibanner.css', 'auto_optimize_callback' => array( /** * @return bool */ 'shortcodes' => function ( $shortcode_name, $atts, $post ) { return strpos( $post->post_content, '[us_ibanner' ) !== FALSE; }, ), ), 'itext' => array( 'title' => __( 'Interactive Text', 'us' ), 'css' => '/common/css/elements/itext.css', 'js' => '/common/js/elements/itext.js', 'auto_optimize_callback' => array( /** * @return bool */ 'shortcodes' => function ( $shortcode_name, $atts, $post ) { return strpos( $post->post_content, '[us_itext' ) !== FALSE; }, ), /** * NOTE: required for fadeIn and zoomIn animations used in itext */ 'dependencies' => 'animation', ), 'login' => array( 'title' => __( 'Login', 'us' ), 'css' => '/common/css/elements/login.css', 'js' => '/common/js/elements/login.js', 'auto_optimize_callback' => array( /** * @return bool */ 'shortcodes' => function ( $shortcode_name, $atts, $post ) { return strpos( $post->post_content, '[us_login' ) !== FALSE; }, /** * @return bool */ 'sidebars_widgets' => function ( $widget_name, $atts, $widget_id ) { return $widget_name === 'us_login'; }, /** * NOTE: required form styles for correct appearance */ 'dependencies' => 'forms', ), ), 'magnific_popup' => array( 'title' => __( 'Popup styles', 'us' ), 'css' => '/common/css/base/magnific-popup.css', 'auto_optimize_callback' => array( /** * @return bool */ 'shortcodes' => function ( $shortcode_name, $atts, $post ) { if ( in_array( $shortcode_name, array( 'us_grid', 'us_carousel' ) ) AND ! empty( $atts['overriding_link'] ) AND strpos( $atts['overriding_link'], 'popup_' ) !== FALSE // matches 'popup_post', 'popup_post_image', 'popup_image' ) { return TRUE; } // Check the Link of all shortocodes if ( ! empty( $atts['link'] ) AND strpos( $atts['link'], 'popup_' ) !== FALSE ) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; }, /** * @return bool */ 'headers_or_grid_layouts' => function ( $element_name, $atts, $post ) { // Check the Link of all elements if ( ! empty( $atts['link'] ) AND strpos( $atts['link'], 'popup_' ) !== FALSE ) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; }, ), ), 'menu' => array( 'title' => us_translate( 'Menu' ), 'css' => '/common/css/elements/menu.css', 'js' => '/common/js/elements/menu.js', 'auto_optimize_callback' => array( /** * @return bool */ 'headers_or_grid_layouts' => function ( $element_name, $atts, $post ) { return ( $post->post_type === 'us_header' AND $element_name === 'menu' ); }, ), ), 'message' => array( 'title' => __( 'Message Box', 'us' ), 'css' => '/common/css/elements/message.css', 'js' => '/common/js/elements/message.js', 'auto_optimize_callback' => array( /** * @return bool */ 'shortcodes' => function ( $shortcode_name, $atts, $post ) { return strpos( $post->post_content, '[us_message' ) !== FALSE; }, ), ), 'lmaps' => array( 'title' => sprintf( __( '%s Maps', 'us' ), 'OpenStreetMap' ), 'css' => '/common/css/vendor/leaflet.css', 'js' => '/common/js/elements/lmaps.js', 'auto_optimize_callback' => array( /** * @return bool */ 'shortcodes' => function ( $shortcode_name, $atts, $post ) { if ( $shortcode_name === 'us_gmaps' ) { return ! empty( $atts['provider'] ) AND $atts['provider'] === 'osm'; } return FALSE; }, ), ), 'scroller' => array( 'title' => __( 'Page Scroller', 'us' ), 'css' => '/common/css/elements/page-scroller.css', 'js' => '/common/js/elements/page-scroller.js', 'auto_optimize_callback' => array( /** * @return bool */ 'shortcodes' => function ( $shortcode_name, $atts, $post ) { return strpos( $post->post_content, '[us_scroller' ) !== FALSE; }, ), ), 'person' => array( 'title' => __( 'Person', 'us' ), 'css' => '/common/css/elements/person.css', 'auto_optimize_callback' => array( /** * @return bool */ 'shortcodes' => function ( $shortcode_name, $atts, $post ) { return strpos( $post->post_content, '[us_person' ) !== FALSE; }, ), ), 'preloader' => array( 'title' => __( 'Preloader', 'us' ), 'css' => '/common/css/base/preloader.css', 'js' => '/common/js/base/preloader.js', 'auto_optimize_callback' => array( /** * @return bool */ 'theme_options' => function ( $options ) { return ! empty( $options['preloader'] ) AND $options['preloader'] !== 'disabled'; }, ), ), 'print' => array( 'title' => __( 'Print styles', 'us' ), 'css' => '/common/css/base/print.css', ), 'popup' => array( 'title' => __( 'Popup', 'us' ), 'css' => '/common/css/elements/popup.css', 'js' => '/common/js/elements/popup.js', 'auto_optimize_callback' => array( /** * @return bool */ 'shortcodes' => function ( $shortcode_name, $atts, $post ) { return strpos( $post->post_content, '[us_popup' ) !== FALSE; }, /** * @return bool */ 'headers_or_grid_layouts' => function ( $element_name, $atts, $post ) { return ( $post->post_type === 'us_header' AND $element_name === 'popup' ); }, ), ), 'post_elements' => array( 'title' => __( 'Post Elements', 'us' ), 'css' => '/common/css/elements/post-elements.css', 'auto_optimize_callback' => array( /** * @return bool */ 'shortcodes' => function ( $shortcode_name, $atts, $post ) { return ( strpos( $post->post_content, '[us_post_title' ) !== FALSE OR strpos( $post->post_content, '[us_post_image' ) !== FALSE OR strpos( $post->post_content, '[us_post_date' ) !== FALSE OR strpos( $post->post_content, '[us_post_taxonomy' ) !== FALSE OR strpos( $post->post_content, '[us_post_custom_field' ) !== FALSE OR strpos( $post->post_content, '[us_post_author' ) !== FALSE OR strpos( $post->post_content, '[us_post_comments' ) !== FALSE ); }, ), ), 'post_navigation' => array( 'title' => __( 'Post Prev/Next Navigation', 'us' ), 'css' => '/common/css/elements/post-navigation.css', 'auto_optimize_callback' => array( /** * @return bool */ 'shortcodes' => function ( $shortcode_name, $atts, $post ) { return strpos( $post->post_content, '[us_post_navigation' ) !== FALSE; }, ), ), 'pricing' => array( 'title' => __( 'Pricing Table', 'us' ), 'css' => '/common/css/elements/pricing.css', 'auto_optimize_callback' => array( /** * @return bool */ 'shortcodes' => function ( $shortcode_name, $atts, $post ) { return strpos( $post->post_content, '[us_pricing' ) !== FALSE; }, ), ), 'progbar' => array( 'title' => __( 'Progress Bar', 'us' ), 'css' => '/common/css/elements/progbar.css', 'js' => '/common/js/elements/progbar.js', 'auto_optimize_callback' => array( /** * @return bool */ 'shortcodes' => function ( $shortcode_name, $atts, $post ) { return strpos( $post->post_content, '[us_progbar' ) !== FALSE; }, ), ), 'scroll' => array( 'title' => __( 'Scroll events', 'us' ), 'js' => '/common/js/base/scroll.js', 'include_first' => TRUE, 'auto_optimize_callback' => array( /** * @return bool */ 'shortcodes' => function ( $shortcode_name, $atts, $post ) { // Force this asset enabled by default after using "Auto Optimize" return TRUE; }, ), ), 'scroll-effects' => array( 'title' => __( 'Scrolling Effects', 'us' ), 'css' => '/common/css/base/scroll-effects.css', 'js' => '/common/js/base/scroll-effects.js', 'auto_optimize_callback' => array( /** * @return bool */ 'shortcodes' => function ( $shortcode_name, $atts, $post ) { return strpos( $post->post_content, 'scroll_effect="1"' ) !== FALSE; }, ), 'dependencies' => 'general', ), 'search' => array( 'title' => us_translate( 'Search' ), 'css' => '/common/css/elements/search.css', 'js' => '/common/js/elements/search.js', 'auto_optimize_callback' => array( /** * @return bool */ 'shortcodes' => function ( $shortcode_name, $atts, $post ) { return ( strpos( $post->post_content, '[vc_wp_search' ) !== FALSE OR strpos( $post->post_content, '[us_search' ) !== FALSE ); }, /** * @return bool */ 'headers_or_grid_layouts' => function ( $element_name, $atts, $post ) { return ( $post->post_type === 'us_header' AND $element_name === 'search' ); }, /** * @return bool */ 'sidebars_widgets' => function ( $widget_name, $atts, $widget_id ) { return $widget_name === 'search'; }, ), 'dependencies' => 'buttons', ), 'separator' => array( 'title' => __( 'Separator', 'us' ), 'css' => '/common/css/elements/separator.css', 'auto_optimize_callback' => array( /** * @return bool */ 'shortcodes' => function ( $shortcode_name, $atts, $post ) { return strpos( $post->post_content, '[us_separator' ) !== FALSE; }, ), ), 'sharing' => array( 'title' => __( 'Sharing Buttons', 'us' ), 'css' => '/common/css/elements/sharing.css', 'js' => '/common/js/elements/sharing.js', 'auto_optimize_callback' => array( /** * @return bool */ 'shortcodes' => function ( $shortcode_name, $atts, $post ) { return strpos( $post->post_content, '[us_sharing' ) !== FALSE; }, ), ), 'simple_menu' => array( 'title' => __( 'Simple Menu', 'us' ), 'css' => '/common/css/elements/simple-menu.css', 'auto_optimize_callback' => array( /** * @return bool */ 'shortcodes' => function ( $shortcode_name, $atts, $post ) { return ( strpos( $post->post_content, '[us_additional_menu' ) !== FALSE OR strpos( $post->post_content, '[us_wc_account_navigation' ) !== FALSE ); }, /** * @return bool */ 'headers_or_grid_layouts' => function ( $element_name, $atts, $post ) { return ( $post->post_type === 'us_header' AND $element_name === 'additional_menu' ); }, ), ), 'socials' => array( 'title' => __( 'Social Links', 'us' ), 'css' => '/common/css/elements/socials.css', 'auto_optimize_callback' => array( /** * @return bool */ 'shortcodes' => function ( $shortcode_name, $atts, $post ) { return strpos( $post->post_content, '[us_socials' ) !== FALSE; }, /** * @return bool */ 'headers_or_grid_layouts' => function ( $element_name, $atts, $post ) { return ( $post->post_type === 'us_header' AND $element_name === 'socials' ); }, /** * @return bool */ 'sidebars_widgets' => function ( $widget_name, $atts, $widget_id ) { return $widget_name === 'us_socials'; }, ), ), 'tabs' => array( 'title' => __( 'Tabs', 'us' ) . ', ' . __( 'Vertical Tabs', 'us' ) . ', ' . us_translate( 'Accordion', 'js_composer' ), 'css' => '/common/css/elements/tabs.css', 'js' => '/common/js/elements/tabs.js', 'auto_optimize_callback' => array( /** * @return bool */ 'shortcodes' => function ( $shortcode_name, $atts, $post ) { return ( strpos( $post->post_content, '[vc_tta_accordion' ) !== FALSE OR strpos( $post->post_content, '[vc_tta_tour' ) !== FALSE OR strpos( $post->post_content, '[vc_tta_tabs' ) !== FALSE ); }, ), ), 'text' => array( 'title' => us_translate( 'Text' ), 'css' => '/common/css/elements/text.css', 'auto_optimize_callback' => array( /** * @return bool */ 'shortcodes' => function ( $shortcode_name, $atts, $post ) { return strpos( $post->post_content, '[us_text' ) !== FALSE; }, /** * @return bool */ 'headers_or_grid_layouts' => function ( $element_name, $atts, $post ) { return $element_name === 'text'; }, ), ), 'video' => array( 'title' => __( 'Video Player', 'us' ), 'css' => '/common/css/elements/video.css', 'js' => '/common/js/elements/video.js', 'auto_optimize_callback' => array( /** * @return bool */ 'shortcodes' => function ( $shortcode_name, $atts, $post ) { return ( strpos( $post->post_content, '[vc_video' ) !== FALSE OR get_post_format( $post->ID ) === 'video' ); }, /** * @return bool */ 'headers_or_grid_layouts' => function( $element_name, $atts, $post ) { return ( $post->post_type === 'us_grid_layout' AND strpos( $post->post_content, '"media_preview":"1"') !== FALSE ); }, ), ), 'ver_parallax' => array( 'title' => __( 'Vertical Parallax', 'us' ), 'js' => '/common/js/base/parallax-ver.js', 'auto_optimize_callback' => array( /** * @return bool */ 'shortcodes' => function ( $shortcode_name, $atts, $post ) { return strpos( $post->post_content, 'us_bg_parallax="vertical"' ) !== FALSE; }, ), ), 'vwrapper' => array( 'title' => __( 'Vertical Wrapper', 'us' ), 'css' => '/common/css/elements/vwrapper.css', 'auto_optimize_callback' => array( /** * @return bool */ 'shortcodes' => function ( $shortcode_name, $atts, $post ) { return strpos( $post->post_content, '[us_vwrapper' ) !== FALSE; }, /** * @return bool */ 'headers_or_grid_layouts' => function ( $element_name, $atts, $post ) { return $element_name === 'vwrapper'; }, ), ), 'wp_widgets' => array( 'title' => us_translate( 'Widgets' ), 'css' => '/common/css/elements/wp-widgets.css', 'auto_optimize_callback' => array( /** * @return bool */ 'shortcodes' => function ( $shortcode_name, $atts, $post ) { return ( strpos( $post->post_content , '[vc_widget_sidebar' ) !== FALSE // Search for next occurrences: vc_wp_meta, vc_wp_recentcomments, vc_wp_calendar, vc_wp_pages, // vc_wp_tagcloud, vc_wp_custommenu, vc_wp_categories, vc_wp_posts, vc_wp_archives, vc_wp_rss OR strpos( $post->post_content, '[vc_wp_' ) !== FALSE ); }, /** * @return bool */ 'sidebars_widgets' => function ( $widget_name, $atts, $widget_id ) { return TRUE; }, ), ), // Plugins 'gravityforms' => array( 'css' => '/common/css/plugins/gravityforms.css', 'minify_separately' => TRUE, // component will be minified into a separate file via "US Minify" plugin 'include_if' => class_exists( 'GFForms' ), ), 'tribe-events' => array( 'css' => '/common/css/plugins/tribe-events.css', 'minify_separately' => TRUE, 'include_if' => class_exists( 'Tribe__Events__Main' ), ), 'ultimate-addons' => array( 'css' => '/common/css/plugins/ultimate-addons.css', 'js' => '/common/js/plugins/ultimate-addons.js', 'include_if' => class_exists( 'Ultimate_VC_Addons' ), ), 'bbpress' => array( 'css' => '/common/css/plugins/bbpress.css', 'minify_separately' => TRUE, 'include_if' => class_exists( 'bbPress' ), ), 'tablepress' => array( 'css' => '/common/css/plugins/tablepress.css', 'include_if' => class_exists( 'TablePress' ), ), 'woocommerce' => array( 'css' => '/common/css/plugins/woocommerce.css', 'js' => '/common/js/plugins/woocommerce.js', 'minify_separately' => TRUE, 'include_if' => class_exists( 'woocommerce' ), ), 'woocommerce-multi-currency' => array( 'css' => '/common/css/plugins/us-multi-currency.css', 'minify_separately' => TRUE, 'include_if' => class_exists( 'WOOMULTI_CURRENCY' ), ), 'wpml' => array( 'css' => '/common/css/plugins/wpml.css', 'include_if' => class_exists( 'SitePress' ), ), // Theme Customs 'theme_options' => array( 'css' => '/css/custom.css', 'include_if' => TRUE, ), );
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/katabroi/public_html/wp-content/plugins/us-core/config/theme-options.php on line 68

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/katabroi/public_html/wp-content/plugins/us-core/config/theme-options.php on line 68
برگه پیدا نشد – آموزش وردپرس

برگه پیدا نشد

لینکی که آن را دنبال می کنید خراب یا برگه حذف شده است.
